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Tuesday, October 02, 2012


EDITOR’S NOTE: The links in the following report may contain offensive language.
Even the old-timers in Detroit never have seen anything like this: A mob of 40 black people moved into a convenience store and will not leave.
They say they now own it. They eat. Smoke. Cuss.Threaten. Spit. Rob. Sell drugs. All on video  .
Police, ministers, neighbors, the store owner and just about everyone else seems powerless to stop them.


  1. I know that I will be accused of a racist remark. Racist my ass, the truth is the truth and fact is fact. #1s are by large the ethnic group that acts like this. Look at all the riots w/ looting, etc. Most could not give a rat's ass about the cause....just an excuse to act like animals. Ought to be an open season on people like this with no limit. With actions like this, there will never be a united effort make this country what it used to be. It is SICKENING!!!!

  2. The future of our country.

  3. If Obama had sons they would look just like this.


  4. It takes a Village.

  5. part of the 47%. They probably call this working.

  6. So Mr. President who built this? I know they did not do this alone! Who created these monsters? I’ll take a wild guess and say they are part of the 47%? Mr. President this lies at the feet of our government. Our leaders have allowed this stealing of the American dream for way too long. They have fostered and cuddled these lowlifes with their social programs! Programs that reward illegitimate breeding, laziness, single families, broken homes, ignorance, drug dealers and generations of fatherless hoodlums. These programs have ruined a once solid education system. They have created nothing but an army of small minded morons who feel entitled. Did you get what you wanted, a wedge into the core of the hearts and soul of our country, the family. None dare call it treason but I do..

  7. Call your congressman state and tell him we want the right to protect our selfs and property with a conceled carry law. If you can have a gun to protect drug deliveries, money, or actaul threats. No instead we are left out in the cold and at the mercy of monsters and hoodlums who dont deserve a life. Did I mentioned a weak law enforcement and court system

  8. If they' re so badass, send them to Iraq and Afghanistan. Bring back our real heroes who don't walk around like the freakin world owes them something. Its not our fault you chose not to do well in school and dont give a shit about anything. All these losers wont work because the rest of us support their lazy asses. It makes me vomit.

  9. And this folks is how obama won his first election and will win again.the world owes these guys huh....lmao. obama sure as hell is paying them back to.

  10. Gangs in Baltimore break into foreclosed/abandoned homes and set up shop all the time. They even mark the house as theirs by tagging it. The cops are tough enough to kill a handicapped man "armed" with a pen, but they won't mess with the gang houses.

  11. Way to go 6:58 I'm with you.

  12. I am thinking these folks are related to Obama and Michelle, yes? I am sure they are soooo proud!

  13. Yep Obama built this. He's even taught this 47% how to make excuses for their behaviour and how to blame someone else. These are Obama's people, the worthless, the useless 47% who serve no purpose in society.


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