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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Today's Survey Question 9-26-12

Do you hunt wild game?


  1. If you mean Man. Then yes I hunt!

  2. No we are not hunters but do allow a few people to hunt on our farm. This keeps the poachers and trepassers under some control.

  3. Not as much as I use to but I try to get out every deer season since DNR has done such a "wonderful" job managing the Maryland Deer herd,now in their defense they are working a lot of Jacklighting as the so called Night Sportsman are killing the bucks which take away the opportunities for the law abiding hunters.

  4. I'm getting too old to hunt the kind of wild women I used to.

  5. My husbands hunts, mostly deer. He fills the freezer with deer burger, sausage and steaks. The only meat we buy from the store is chicken and an occasional ham or turkey. Deer meat is delicious and naturally lean. We love it and it saves us lots of money!!

  6. I haven't acquired the taste for deer meat but no doubt it is better for you. Not only is the fat content less, but deer aren't being fed all the chemicals, antibiotics, etc that commercially raised animals are fed.

  7. Sure do! Deer, rabbit, squirrel & goose.


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