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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cross Walks Need Paint

After the accident this morning I wondered, is there a cross walk where the gentleman was heading. I took another look at the intersection and noticed while there is a cross walk, look at the paint, or the lack thereof. See the blue vehicle to the left, that's where the pedestrian was hit. He was walking north bound to cross the street but the lines are pretty much gone.

Someone is falling asleep at the wheel. Mayor Ireton and Staff should be getting on the ball. You MUST maintain your City. Even if it's SHA who takes care of it, the City needs to let them know there's a problem. Kind of like cleaning up the weeds on the sidewalks along Rt. 50 and so forth.


  1. You know the city knows there is problem.

  2. Bet Jim will do photo shoot painting the crosswalk.

  3. More sewage over flows in the Wicomico river too. Nothing has changed here in Salisbury under a new mayor. Salsibury needs to look into a city manager form of government and get rid of the part time mayor and his lackies.

    I hope that the MDE that is currently here about this over flow can shed some light on the on going problems at the WWTP.

    As it is right now, we have nobody that really knows what to do about the WWTP and all it's problems, and we also have a part time mayor that does not understand how to plan to make things happen and get the job done in many of the city's departments.

  4. All safety issues need to be addressed ASAP. gimmy girl , get on the ball , no offense when I say ball , something you ain't got.


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