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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thomas Jefferson On Liberty

In 2010, it occurred to me that Thomas Jefferson has not been interviewed for some time on the state of things and that, as his comments are invariably insightful, there couldn't be a better time to seek his advice. Despite the fact that Tom has not been alive since 1826, he was very gracious in granting an interview in late 2010, in which we discussed The Proper Role of Government.

In 2011, I sought a second interview to discuss his views on Debt and Entitlement, as US debt had risen dramatically to pay for continued and growing entitlements, becoming a primary concern in the present economic crisis.

Recently, I was in Williamsburg Virginia, where Tom was staying at the home of his old friend, mentor and law teacher, George Wythe. I went by for a visit one evening. Tom got out the sherry decanter and we sat down for a chat.


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