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Thursday, September 13, 2012


Do you crave it … gotta have it … but never have enough … you think of it often … it consumes you … work at a dull job just for the money … live for vacations, weekends … bet on lotto, sports, slots … delay buying a new car … constantly worried about price of gas, paying kids college, hospital bills, taxes … Social Security … half of Americans don’t have enough to retire … will work till you drop.

Maybe it’s the economy, markets, bad luck, government, politicians, whatever, you’re on the edge of a money addiction.

Admit it, money runs your life. You’re trapped. Yes, you really are addicted to money. I get it. Been there. Years ago I was chasing a dream, obsessed, passionate about a new venture, jockeying balances on $75,000 in debt. Eleven credit cards, high-stress, relentless anxiety. So admit it, you’re a money addict.

Denial? The truth is, tens of millions of Americans are addicted to money. But can’t admit it. Can’t talk about those bad feelings. You feel less than, cheap, something’s wrong, you’re missing opportunities, not living up to your potential. You’re in denial, maybe a little, maybe a lot, likely depressed, hurting.

And it’s getting worse as today’s global trends spread beyond your control, intensify anxiety. Election fears. Fiscal cliffs. Collapsing euro zone. Credit Risks. China slumping. Climate. Volatility. Rising food prices. Energy independence. Fed’s QE strategies. $16 trillion debt rising. Iran war threats. Tax increases. Runaway health-care costs. Fear of a cascading global depression.


1 comment:

  1. Everyone is telling us to buy gold,which I do when I can.However,if the US dollar becomes worthless,what will I do with my gold? Will I spend it as a form of currency,or will I cash my gold in for a ton of worthless US currency? In an economic collapse,what would I redeem my gold with?


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