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Friday, September 07, 2012


A new study released just this week by The Heritage Foundation   reveals that one factor alone can reduce by 82 percent the probability that a child lives in poverty – whether Mom and Dad are married to each other.
“Policymakers on the state and national levels recognize that education reduces poverty, but they’re largely unaware that marriage is an equally strong anti-poverty weapon,” Robert Rector, senior research fellow in domestic policy at the Washington-based organization, said of the results.


  1. From the headline alone..it is not up to the 1% to provide for other peoples kids. What happened to personal responsibility???

  2. Personal responsibility is great but what happens when people don't except that. Are we just supposed to sit and watch children starve. If that's the case we really are becoming a third world country. If people could really watch that happen there is nothing great about this nation.

  3. No, I don't think we should sit back and watch children starve, but I do believe we have to set some limits. I feel we have become a country of enablers to some people. People will never learn to help themselves unless they have to.

  4. I don't think anyone advocates letting these children 'starve', 8:41. However, the current system simply pays people to reproduce. And the more kids they pop out, the more they get paid. Bottom line - there is financial incentive to have kids that you can't support. This must end.


  5. Still in this day and age in Europe illegitimate births are stimatized and the rate is lower than in the US. The elitist attitude prevalant there has alot to do with it. Child are taught that it's only the lower class or "gypsy" who saddle themselves down with children while they are young and unmarried. Parents focus on teaching children to be more cosmopolitan and more worldly and how they are "above" doing something so common.

  6. 9:42-Absolutely correct,but this kind of thinking will earn you the label of a racist.We are the official damned if you do and damned if you don't society.If entitlements of this nature ended abruptly,a large portion of our population would scream bloody murder.If it continues,as we both know it will,the other portion will scream bloody murder.Until our resources completely run out and there is nothing left to hand out all will continue as is.

  7. So how many people against foodstamps are prochoice?


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