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Friday, September 07, 2012

Judge Orders Accused Texas Base Gunman To Shave Or Be Shaved

SAN ANTONIO (Reuters) - A U.S. military judge on Thursday ordered the Fort Hood massacre suspect, Army Major Nidal Hasan, to shave or be forcibly shaved, ruling that his beard is not covered by federal laws protecting religious freedom.

Colonel Gregory Gross ruled following a hearing that Hasan's attorneys failed to prove he has grown the beard, which he has worn since June, for religious reasons. Hasan, 41, has said he grew the beard in line with the beliefs of his Islamic faith, and that it is part of his free exercise of religion.

The San Antonio Express-News reported that Hasan's military defense lawyer, Lieutenant Colonel Kris Poppe, said in court that the defendant had tried to plead guilty last month, a sign that he wanted to "to be accountable" for his actions.



  1. Make sure he's shaved dry faced with a dull razor.

  2. Would it be a lot easier just to shoot the bastard instead of the tax payers paying for him for the rest of his life.

  3. No need to force shave `em.

    Just get a bottle of NAIR and that will dissolve the hair away!

  4. Maybe some of them Amish guys can take care of that beard. They are good at forcible shavings.

  5. I guess the whiskers may slow the bullet that we need to put through his head? He's only volunteering to confess to avoid the death penalty. I would not play his game. Get a method to just shoot him.

  6. They should have quit playing with this fool a while back and just have shaved the beard and had him in court. He should have received. The death penalty and been dead by now

  7. Military Firing squad. Cremation and burial at landfill, he'll receive better treatment than some of our fallen soldiers.
    Drop him feet first in a slow woodchipper as far as I'm concerned.
    Send the message.
    The 9/11 response should have been an accurately place 20 kiloton (small) nuke with the promise of another for every American harmed anywhere.
    AND, an immediate purge of the Cult of Islam in America.
    But hey, what do I know. I'm a cruel hater Islamophobe. LOL.

  8. Just give him a wax job like women do between their legs. Hot wax pored on the area of hair, let to dry, and yank it off. Or, if he refuses to shave, that's ok. Just put lighter fluid on it and light it up. Don't worry about his gonads, he has none, he's a Muslim, just like Obama. Please note, Muslim women walk 20 feet in front of their husbands, in the desert, because of land mines.

  9. Drug him, shave him, disrobe him, and leave him to wake up in the mud of a swine farm.Don't forget to leave him with weapons that he can use against himself.

  10. now thats a soldiers soldier.i commend you col. youre a college educated officer who doesnt have his head up the ass of a high school graduate nco because you dont have the guts to make a command decision or have no knowledge or experience of your own job or leadership becaused you were influenced by left wing liberal education which is most college universities.this col. more than likely attended west point.id say just chop off his head "thats what they do in his religion right?"

  11. Shave him with a blow torch

  12. Shave him with a chain saw. Make sure they get REAL close. Frikin coward.


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