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Thursday, September 13, 2012



  1. i have always maintained obama is not stupid only the people that vote for him. that's scary...

  2. I think it's a combination. Obama can not by any stretch of anyone's imagination be called intelligent, and 99% of those that vote for him are illiterate or borderline.

  3. The bottom line is alot of people voted for obama based on his race and that is how he got elected. If people had looked beyond his race they would have seen what a nothing he really is. He's failed repeatedly at every thing he has ever done and that is a fact. The only thing he is proficient at is lying, making up excuses and shifting blame.
    People say what a great speaker he is and that is a joke. He can not ever string together 2 words coherently.
    It's no wonder he doesn't want to meet with Benjamin Netanyahu. He has come to the realization that he can't compete and knows he will end up making a fool out of himself.

  4. the problem is we have too many people who vote for a living than out earning a living. he was elected by people on the dole.

  5. Stupid id as stupid does, there would be no Obama if Bush were a rocket scientist The Republicans built Obama......

  6. He's extremely stupid. His IQ no doubt is down there in the moron level. He's only elected because those that vote for him are even more stupid than he is.

  7. I disagree. I think he is actually highly intelligent, and is fully aware of the damage being done. He is a master manipulator.

  8. I did NOT vote for the village idiot the first time around and you can bet I won't in November!

  9. that's it 2:43. the master manipulator and deceiver.
    10:44 still blaming bush and the repubs. just won't get it. you're blind and probably unteachable.


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