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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Blowback Blows Up - US Embassy In Yemen Stormed

Anti-American violence and hatred is spreading: first Egypt, then Libya, with very tragic consequences, now Yemen. From Reuters: "Hundreds of Yemeni demonstrators stormed the U.S. embassy in Sanaa on Thursday in protest at a film they consider blasphemous to Islam, and security guards tried to hold them off by firing into the air. The attack followed Tuesday night's storming of the United States Consulate in Benghazi, where the ambassador and three other staff were killed. President Barack Obama said the perpetrators would be tracked down and ordered two destroyers to the Libyan coast, but there were fears protests would spread to other countries in the Muslim world." And since the US will not retaliate against any of these attacks on what is technically US territory except with "strong condemnation", expect many more retaliations against America in the middle east in the days ahead as blowback finally blows up. Also, will the US warships headed to Libya now be redirected to Yemen or the next country that decided to burn down its US mission?



  1. The Obama regime and MSM are telling us this is about protesting a film.
    It is about Obama bragging about killing Bin Laden.

  2. WWIII perhaps?

    Maybe obama wants martial law so he is allowing this so we get mad and start riots?

    Maybe Obama is a Muslim and doesn't want to fight his people?

    Maybe there is a bigger meaning behind this, which usually there is...

  3. We have always been told though, the Muslim religion is a religion of Peace.... and I got a bridge to sell you too!

  4. Hillary Clinton claims (lies) it was Libyans who took the ambassador to the hosptial. Was that before or after they dragged his body through the streets?

  5. Hey dopey 10:45, it was Libyan security forces that fought alongside our men to get back into the compound. Unless you clowns have the ability to think 3 dimensionally and have actually studied the facts on the ground, how about you excercise your right to remain silent.

  6. Yeah 11:16 just like the forces our troops are trianing in Afganistan. Only to hand them a gun to kill our troops with. Idiot.

  7. " it was Libyan security forces that fought alongside our men to get back into the compound."

    What rock are you under, 11:16?
    It was Libyan security forces that fought alongside our men in order to give info to the militants on the whereabouts of the ambassador, dopey. Read the timelines 11:16. The "clues" are all there that these "helpful" Libyans were really militants in disguise.

    On another note it's interesting the way the MSM is attempting to keep hidden the fact that the ambassador's body was missing for many hours during with time it was paraded through the streets.

  8. Now, are they sending US Ships or the Russian ones shown in the DNC??

  9. I'm sure the drones we're sending into Yemen have Nooooothing to do with anything.


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