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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Some Want Elderly Drivers Off Md. Roads

More older drivers are on the road than ever before, largely due to a generation of baby boomers. As Jessica Kartalija reports, when it comes to regulations for elderly drivers, states are literally all over the map.
When a 100-year-old driver reversed into a group of children in Los Angeles, it prompted many states to examine driving regulations for seniors.
Currently, 27 states and the District of Columbia require additional testing for elderly drivers but many say tests are unfair.


  1. I agree I see some elderly people who defnitely should not be driving any more. They should require a test every year after a certaina age to retain your license.

  2. i agree with 10:01. they should be checked every year or every two years. some people can't handle it. going too slow can be just as dangerous as going too fast.


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