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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

CHARTS: Rise Of Government Dependence

Mitt Romney's comment about 47 percent of Americans living on government handouts may not have been tactful, but he certainly has a point.

Americans are more dependent on the government than ever.

Romney's "47 percent" refers approximately to the population who pay no federal income tax. Add to this the share of country who receive government handouts in one form or another and that number would be higher still.



  1. Over on the msnbc blogs people are talking about how 'bad' this is for Romney to say.

    Well, I'm a single mom trying to make ends meet working hard and I have to pay more for everything from income tax to taxes on goods and services while they get a free ride. My wages have not gone up but I'll tell you this.

    Elect Romney - offer these folks jobs and if they don't want to work LET THEM STARVE.

  2. Hear Ye Hear YE!

    4:19 is correct!
    Working Americans are SICK and TIRED
    of carrying the weight of these able bodied people that refuse to work.
    They refused an education, they refuse morality.
    They EXPECT to be cared for by people that they deem more "fortunate" via Government handouts.

  3. I'm of the realization that he speaks the truth. Why on earth is that such a bad thing? I need work, not welfare. Work gives me satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. I need that. Unfortunately, a generational sector of society has lost that need. But what he said is still the truth.

  4. What are you clowns talking about? Full time students make up a sizable portion of the "47%". You know, folks working hard to get an education so they can get a good job. Another sizable portion; old folks who worked and payed into the system for decades. Oh yeah, another huge swath; people who work but don't earn $50,000 a year. You fools do realize the median income is around 50,000, which means 50% earn under this amount? Oh I forgot, Mitt also told you that middle income is $200,000 and you scooped that piece of nonsense up too. This info is all readily available CLOWNS! If your political philosophy and position are so strong, have enough respect for your stance to educate yourself on the issues. Matter of fact, go back and do things correctly; research the issue BEFORE you develop a position.

  5. Well, 647, I agree that Mitt is in fairyland at the 200k mark. We akk try for 50k, some are short, and some are ahead, but its a close race. So, according to him, we are all poor, and the "middle class" is about the top 4% just before the rich.

    Ron Paul sees it differently, but you useless MSM followers found yourselves hook, line, and sinker for Robamney. Nice choice, dumbasses! Now, again, for the 49 years I have been voting, I have to vote for a complete idiot, or the other complete idiot. Thanks.

    Either not vote or vote for Ron Paul? I'll think I"ll vote! Put Obama back in! At least if that happens, someone (hopefully) will end that and we can herd Biden around til the next round. This is a mess that cannot happen.

  6. 6:47 you missed the point. He was talking about all the lazy people on welfare,free lunches,class 8 housing ,food stamps, free cell phones, etc. He is right, and a handle must be put on it. Obama encourages it, that's why it's being advertised on radio and tv. Sir I'am educated and you are a air head, or worse a dingle berry. Sorry, perhaps just plain stupid.

  7. truth hurts, don't it?

  8. 823 Romney's point and yours is moot because you both are fudging the facts in your attempts to make it.

    Romney clearly referenced the 47% of people not paying income taxes. Again that 47% is primarily composed of retirees, students, and working adults that make under 50,000. These are facts. Use them sometime.

  9. obama is a staunch muslim that is working hard to ruin what is left of America. another four years of him and you will have no rights, no money, and no one to blame but all you idiots that vote for obama. the medical profession will tell you that lines will be forming for medical care under obamacare; doctors are already leaving the medical field because of the obamacare act. education is no longer importation in this country, teachers are not teaching, they are babystilling. morality in this country is all but gone thanks to the lack of ethics, which comes back to the entitlement programs. I applaud the single mom that is working hard to keep her family solvent and wants to keep her family of the entitlement roles, thank you for your hard work and understanding that you need to take responsibility for yourself and your children, no one else cares for you more than God and your family!


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