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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Smart Meter Or No Power At All? Nevada Energy Sends Armed Men To Disconnect Power – Just For Opting Out

Nevada is supposedly   one of those states with a smart meter ‘opt out’ policy. On the ground, however, the reality is a little different.
Mona Orkoulas lives in the mountains outside Las Vegas, Nevada, where she works in real estate. Like many Americans she has been impacted by the downturn in the economy and is struggling to make ends meet. Mona was born in the US and raised by an Egyptian/ Greek family. She has always paid her bills on time, and makes protecting her health a priority. For years Mona worked on humanitarian projects in the Middle East: drilling wells, and providing drinkable water and renewable power to remote villages. So she is familiar with the need for safe, reliable public services. Now, it turns out that she may need some humanitarian assistance herself — not in the developing world but right outside Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
The story starts when Nevada Energy (NVE) installed a ‘smart’ meter on Mona’s bedroom wall in January without permission, or even so much as a few days’ notice.


  1. Smart meters are coming to Maryland unless enough people get up in arms to keep them out. They are already installing them in Delaware and have been for some time now.

  2. In Maryland you still have a choice. So far there is no law that requires them to be installed on your home. Your existing meter truly belongs to you as the cost of those meters are figured in the rate base. You might also notice that Delmarva Power still has an environmental surcharge on your bill. This was a charge, approved years ago for the Company to purchase land to build power plants. DP&L is a delivery company now and does not produce power any longer, but the charge is still on your bill.

  3. True, Anon 7:05 and have you ever seen any "temporary" tax or charge that was ever ended? I remember when Governor Mandel instituted a "temporary" addition to the gasoline tax to fund the Baltimore subway. That was how many years ago? And it's still in place.

  4. Time for a VERY LARGE lawsuit, darling! Your rights are violated to the point of your safety. Hit them hard now, before it runs away with itself, please!

  5. i've been trying to warn people of this for the past few years. was told it couldn't be true because they were just trying to help us save money. bull crap. the government will be able to read your every step in your own home.

    is this really what you want? if not start speaking out and don't stop. tell everyone you know...

  6. Smart meters are radiating people in their own homes!


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