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Sunday, September 23, 2012


President Barack Obama is about to release or transfer 55 Gitmo prisoners, despite reports that the Libyan believed to be behind the killing of US Ambassador Christopher Stevens was a former   Guantanamo inmate transferred to Libyan custody.

The large percentage of those scheduled to be released are Yemeni, according to a list   made public by the Obama administration.
Obama stopped the release or transfer of Yemeni inmates in 2010, because the conditions in the country were viewed as too "unsettled  " at the time.


  1. And they will come back and try to kill us again. This Muslim president has got to go in November. He must be voted out in order to save our Country.

  2. Wow! That will really make the mooslims happy. NOT!

    What an ass kisser.

  3. I'm a trained Marine sniper by trade, now retired. Still looking for work. Any ideas out there?

  4. 7:38 PM - Oh yeah, lots of ideas!!

  5. "I'm a trained Marine sniper by trade, now retired. Still looking for work. Any ideas out there?"

    Sure. Contact your local liberal recruiter.\\

  6. The release is idiotic. It's proven these Muslims show up again on the battlefield trying to martyr themselves and take as many "infidels" (our troops) with them as possible. They have been indoctrinated by us to hate us.
    But then again it's probably cover for some of our own guys to infiltrate the ranks for intel where ever they end up.
    Like FAST and FURIOUS. And yes that is sarcasm.

  7. After the released detainees kill Americen citizens somewhere in the world Obama can blame George Bush and all liberals will believe him. They are like sheep and don't care about the USA. Pitiful.

  8. Isn't atleast one suspect in the murder of the ambassador a former gitmo detaintee? I'm sure I've read this. Possible in either a British or a Pakistani publications.

  9. Actually it's proven that many of these guys were picked up for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. And most do not go back to fighting us.

  10. Also keep in mind what all the security experts have been saying since the war on terror started. The number of fighters on the ground and/or the number we kill is not as important as a conventional war.

  11. Oh goody. Look for more innocents to be killed in drone stikes in Yemen while trying to "neutralize" the newly released.

    Our president is finally starting to fulfill some of his 2008 campaign promises right before the 2012 elections. Does that strike anyone else as extremely cynical and manipulative on the part of the president?


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