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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Reporters Plan ‘Gotcha’ Questions for Mitt Romney?

While Mitt Romney spoke in Jacksonville, Fla., yesterday, NPR reporter Ari Shapiro and CBS reporter Jan Crawford were apparently caught on tape coordinating questions to ask the GOP presidential candidate regarding his criticism of President Obama’s handling of the US embassy attacks in Egypt and Libya.

Michelle Malkin responded, “If it looks, sounds, talks like journo-tools for Obama, it is what it is.”

She continued, “Finally the mainstream media is being confronted with something so obvious to those of us who have worked on both sides of the aisle — I’ve worked in new media, old media, I’ve worked in dead tree newspaper journalism for 20 years and seen it, seen how the sausage is made in these sausage factories. And of course they think they could get away with it.”



  1. Yep, asking Romney about a statement he had made a day before is a "gotcha" question. Just like the "gotcha" questions asked to sarah palin such as "what types of books do you read" and "what are your views on bush foreign policy".

  2. 808-Except there is audio showing the reporters colluding on questions before the Q&A session. Normally, journalists from different sources NEVER discuss their questions before hand.

  3. "Anonymous said...
    "Yep, asking Romney about a statement he had made a day before is a "gotcha" question. Just like the "gotcha" questions asked to sarah palin such as "what types of books do you read" and "what are your views on bush foreign policy".

    September 14, 2012 8:08 AM"

    The problem with the question was, why was it asked at all 8:08?
    Intelligent people do not care whether or not he regrets a statement he made but we do care about his positon on the events in the Middle East and those were the questions that should have been asked.
    Reporters attempting to be clever and cute had no place at that press conference.

  4. not reporters. lapdogs for the left.

  5. It's called "showing off." Instead of asking pertinent questions relating to the tragic events that had occurred they were more interested in getting a few atta boy and atta girl's from their colleagues.

  6. That's all this was. The reporters wanted to be able to pat themselves on the back and repeat to themselves how clever they were.

  7. Michelle Malkin,
    Mitt Flip Flopping Romney is downright stupid.

  8. The reporters don't even need to ask Romney questions to get a "gotcha" moment.
    He's doing enough of that all on his own with his own press conferences.

  9. Like what 10:40? Romney answers questions directly and articulately. There's no spin with him unlike Ah Ah Ah Obama who can't string 2 words together coherently.
    "Is Egygy our ally?"
    "Ah ah ah well no, but ah ah ah they ah ah ah aren't our ah enemy."

    It's like he's borderline illiterate or something.

  10. Anonymous said...
    The reporters don't even need to ask Romney questions to get a "gotcha" moment.
    He's doing enough of that all on his own with his own press conferences.

    September 14, 2012 10:40 AM

    Speaking of STUPID

    "No, no. I have been practicing...I bowled a 129. It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something." --making an off-hand joke during an appearance on "The Tonight Show", March 19, 2009

    "I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go." --at a campaign event in Beaverton, Oregon

    "In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." --on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people


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