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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pediatricians Discourage Trampoline Use

Pediatricians want to see the family trampoline get bounced.

An updated report from the American Academy of Pediatrics   strongly recommends kids stay off trampolines at home.

The report notes trampoline injuries have fallen since 2004, but nearly 100,000 emergency room visits still come after a bad hop on the springy mat.



  1. I took care of someone who had a swimming accident in Ocean City and stayed in Baltimore Shock trauma for a while. I was pregnant at the time and he begged me to never ever buy my son a trampoline. He said it's insane how many kids were there with horrific injuries.

  2. I had years of knee trouble from a trampoline injury at camp when I was 10. They should be banned!


  3. Helmets should be mandatory!

  4. All forms of youth fun and excersise should be banned. Keep them in their rooms typing and texting and they will learn the bumps and bruises in life that way. When they do finally get out from under communist control at 18, they will explode into an entity we won't be able to handle it. OH, wait, that's what's happening now! They have never suffered a "consequence" in their miserable lives! Gee! Why are the acting this way??? Get over it, Parents, they need to run into the wall a few times before they get the picture!

  5. my gym teacher told us this in 1955...


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