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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

New ID Laws Could Delay Outcome Of Close Election

 The presidential election is Nov. 6, but it could take days to figure out the winner if the vote is close. New voting laws are likely to increase the number of people who have to cast provisional ballots in key states.

Tight races for Congress, governor and local offices also could be stuck in limbo while election officials scrutinize ballots, a scenario that would surely attract legions of campaign lawyers from both parties.

"It's a possibility of a complete meltdown for the election," said Daniel Smith, a political scientist at the University of Florida.



  1. would hate for those dead voters to be counted out

  2. Your friendly local election board should send out a friendly reminder to everyone as to what to bring with them on election day, and to please check in advance as to where you are supposed to vote, either by calling them up early or through email if it's offered. That way, only the people smart enough to read and understand basic instructions will be voting this time around!

  3. Oh, the Dead will not be able to read the memo... DANG!

  4. Why do you think polls are oversampling Democrats disproportionately?
    So when they steal the election they can say it was justified!

  5. Pay no attention to the polls. Their sole purpose is to discourage you from going to vote.


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