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Wednesday, September 26, 2012



  1. And we have idiots who want to reelect this man. How stupid can we be. I want a man for president who has had a real job and knows how to make money. Vote Romney

  2. And there are idiots who want to reelect this man. I want a president who has had a real job and knows how to make money.

  3. Hey Chuck?
    What? No comment?
    Your Master has been debunked.
    He is worse than Jimmy Carter.
    You socialist democrats should read the writing on the wall. This regime does not represent good American democratic values.

    His principles and agenda are what imploded the former Soviet Union.
    Get it?
    He is a communistic organizer. That is his claim to fame.
    He told you "fundamental transformation of the United States." Didn't you realize it would mean communism? Skirting around the Constitution and bill of rights through executive order? Massive tax increases, inflation, DEBT! Lower wages. World instability. Race relations as bad as the 60's.
    You're fools if you vote for him again and will be held accountable for the diminished State of our Union.
    Is this really what good democrats want for America?


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