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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Madonna Tells Fans To Vote For Obama During Concert


  1. That's what I call white trash! She has been and still is a druggy.

  2. She needs to be drug tested again. Look at her those in the background. Are they the new black panthers? Give me a break! She is a scumbag airhead dingbat who-e. Now don't ask me how I really feel.

  3. Wow, I'm not saying I agree with what she said...but when did she ever have a drug problem? As far as I know, she's always promoted living a healthy lifestyle....or did I miss something? Please people, don't make stuff up thinking it will strengthen your argument. It just makes you look stupid.

  4. 534-Yeah, you missed the first 25 years of her career.

  5. 5:34 She has a rap sheet if you would like to look it up. Drugs have always been a n issue with her. Actually been in rehab. She needs to go back. If she supports Obama she's got to be on drugs or she suffers from brain damage.

  6. No one could pay me enough to vote for Obama. The Obama's are vulgar ghetto trash. You know that guy he hung out with Jay Z shot his brother??? Now what kind of crazy crap is that? If he wants to hang out with multi millionairs then he should hang out with refined ones with class and not a common criminal. I would imagine at this point most moneyed affluent people wouldn't lower themselves to breath the same air as the obamas anymore so they have to settle for common ghetto trash to hob nob with.

  7. she started out as a prostitut

  8. I will do whatever she says....lol

  9. I was always told Lincoln was more concerned with preserving the country not abolishing slavery.

  10. remember she said to vote on november 7th...


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