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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Obama Skirts Another Executive Duty To Pander To ‘The View’

In the wake of a rather tragic and tumultuous events regarding American foreign policy in the Middle East, President Barack Obama plans to forego the opportunity for a one-on-one meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his visit to the UN this week.  The reason is simple.  It just could not wait. The president needed to have a sit down with Barbara Walters and the rest of gals at The View.

Guy Benson at Townhall reported on this development yesterday and cited Thomson Reuters and The Associated Press, no right-wing rags by any stretch, who are equally puzzled by this move by the president. From AP:


  1. who cares if he does his job well or not, as long as he looks good in the process...

  2. yes, because it's not like they are able to talk all the other 364 days of the year, using all means of technology. No, we need to make sure they meet for the cameras and spout on just for the sake of spouting on.

  3. The View is more along obama's intellect level. He doesn't dare meet with any of the world leaders attending the UN conference for fear of being proven an idiot.
    He is more in line with Beyoonce and JayZ than Benjamin Netanyahu. Obama not a big dog and can't keep up with the real big dogs so he stays away.

  4. 1:14 has it right....obama can't say the ABC's without a telepromter. He has SEALED his college records (to hide SOMETHING, perhaps stupidity). He is going to sit down with the Israeli leader and do what? He can't keep up, doesn't know the issues, and knows he would look imbecilic trying to cover the Mideast issues with someone who knows them. Better he stick with trying to impress vacuous talk show members than LEAD THE NATION.

  5. I mean seriously why would obama put himself in the postion to talk to any world leaders. All they are going to ask him is why he screwed up the Middle east and got all the extremists riled up and how dumb that was. He'd rather talk smack on the view where that's more his level.

  6. 2:18 actually it sounds like it's folks on the right who would rather talk smack. According to them we should have boots on the ground in Libya, Syria, and Georgia while ramping things up in Iraq and Afghanistan and mobilizing for an all out war with Iran next week. Sounds to me like this is exactly the time to have REAL conversation away from the cameras. And besides, why would Obama waste time with Netanyahu who would simply use the occassion to insert himself further into US politics?

  7. Didn't ANY of you get the memo TWO WEEKS AGO, and obviously the perp of this "newsworthey note" get the memo that Achninijihad had informed the United States of America, that when he will be visiting the Unites States, he has opted to NOT have a meeting with Barack Hussein. Bummer. It was NOT Obama's choice, the fact is that the bastard doesn't want to talk to the bastard under any circumstances! Isn't that special?

  8. 929, I got that memo and thought it was the perfect slap in the face to Osama! 114 is correct, and Netenyahu knows he would just be wasting his time with an idiot anyway. Barack is ,ore on the "view" level, anyway. And, 512, what part of "GTFO" and "Bring our troops home" didn't you understand from us over here?

  9. Smart man that "Achninijihad." Why would any world leader want to meet with the failure obama. What's obama going to do-give them advice? obama isn't worthy to even lick the camel manure off their shoes and if he even tried that he would screw it up.


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