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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

60% Of Firms To Kill Health Insurance Or Charge More Under Obamacare

A majority of small business owners and manufacturers are mulling drastic changes to comply with Obamacare, with 21 percent set to drop health insurance to workers altogether and 38 percent planning to make employees pay much more.
In a poll done for the National Association of Manufacturers and National Federation of Independent Businesses, 59 percent said that they will have to consider changes once the full law kicks in because increased costs will jeopardize their operations. According to the poll, 67 percent expect Obamacare to raise healthcare costs.


  1. Very deceptive article. Most companies with plans to drop health insurance for employees are doing so to save money due to health insurance companies raising rates indiscriminately. The employees will have better healthcare options because they will go into a pool for state and federal sponsored plans that will be cheaper for the employee and have better coverages.

  2. "better coverages" 10:34? No no no no no! The coverage will not be nearly what it was and govenment bureaucrats are to dictate treatment. This is why most of Obamacare was written so as not to become implimented until after this election. Had people seen how the health care system is to be bastardized they surely would not vote for obama for a 2nd term.

  3. I can speak for only one local company in Sussex county employing about 100 people, and that is, we have done the math, and will be dropping our employer sponsored health care plane, because it will be significantly cheaper to pay the fine.

  4. I don't know why the right wants to sight the "employers dropping coverage". Doesn't taking the burden of insurance off employers provide an incentive to hire? Isn't this a position that the right supported in the past? Oh yeah, I forgot, we're in anti-Obama upside down world now.

  5. Better coverage? Go into a pool? If that were the case then why did we not get law changes to allow us to "pool" into groups for coverage on our own?? Not just be eligibale through your job but through your church or civic groups, clubs, neighborhoods? Obama care is only about controling us. Wake up 10:34and do your own research on this topic, not what is spoon fed to you through biased media. Why would an employer pay for employee health care when the fine/tax/penalty will be cheaper??? Wake up!!! Get Obama out now before he destroys the USA. Sheesh....the cult mentality that follows this guy is unbelievable!

  6. Our insurance rates went up 1.3% this year compared to 5+% in prior years. Company picked up the tab so my insurance stayed the same.

  7. 3:22...2:41 here.

    This isn't a right vs left thing, it's a business decision.

  8. 4:58

    "This isn't a right vs left thing"

    Your cohorts on here could have fooled me. It's just like every other plan coming out of congress or the WH: the right lines up on one side while the left lines up on another before the ink on the document is dry, the pages cool down off the printer, and before anyone has had time to analyze the details. And folks like the readers of this blog feed into this mess year after year by blindly following the elephants and donkeys over the cliff.


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