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Monday, September 24, 2012

Obama Approval Rating Tanking

President Barack Obama's approval rating in Gallup's rolling survey has plunged 6 percentage points in two weeks, a troubling sign that puts him on shaky historical ground for re-election. 
Obama's approval rating is down to just 46 percent, down from a high of 52 percent after the Democratic National Convention. His disapproval rating, meanwhile, now stands at 48 percent, up from 42 percent after the DNC. Altogether, that's a 12-point swing in two weeks.



  1. It can't tank fast enough for me!

  2. No faster than Romney's

  3. It's hard for me to understand how 46% can approve of his handling of the presidency. I only know a couple of people who can even stand to look at him. Those few people who do support him would vote for Howdy Doody if he were a Democrat. I've lived through Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson,Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II and Obama. Obama is, in every aspect of his presidency, the single worst president in modern history. How can 46% approve. Someone out there please help me understand. Please

  4. 10:57...I can understand how 47% could approve - but hopefully some of them have a little pride and want to support themselves in the manner their proper upbringing taught them.

  5. I want to see his disapproval rating at zero percent.

  6. 10:57 Tell that to the veterans and old people.

  7. I am right there with you 1057AM. I cannot understand for the life of me why ANYONE would want this jerk of a so called President back in for another four years. I was on a road trip this weekend and saw so many Rommney-Ryan signs (and Andy Harris) and only two Obama signs along the road. Does that tell you something?

  8. That tells me that you traveled in a heavily Republican district.

  9. Actually 113PM, it was around the Baltimore area (and Eastern Shore)

  10. They'll still vote for him because they want to keep all the handouts and public assistance benefits coming! If your black, or a liberal white who lives a sheltered life, you will most likely vote for this wolf in sheep's clothing.
    It doesn't matter anyway. Its a choice between a socialist and a communist. Its a lose lose ticket. No matter who wins, it will be business as usual. Let the outsourcing continue and knock down the boarders and let the flow of illegals continue. After all we are part of the North American union! To hell with freedom and the Constitution! We are now part of the New World Order. Resistance is futile!!!

  11. Eastern shore Virgina on Rt 13 Obama signs in all the yards of the shacks.


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