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Wednesday, September 26, 2012


 In an eloquently crafted 4,000-word speech to the United Nations in which he invoked the legacy of Nelson Mandela, President Obama insisted upon doubling-down on the current course of U.S. foreign policy, repeating without revision long-standing administration foreign policy platitudes, while providing no new policy initiatives and admitting no U.S. foreign policy failures.

Consider the following:

  Obama suggested the violence in Libya that caused the death of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens was a result of outrage from a 14-minute movie trailer that offended Islam.



  1. I guess you forgot to mention the part where obama said, and I quote, "We do not ban blasphemy."

  2. Obama ought to find the time to apologize personally to every single american for his failures in leadership.

  3. lol, if you're going to post garbage hatchet jobs that do nothing to accurately report the facts, maybe you should take the word "news" out of your title. This post, along with West's comments are absolute nonsense to anyone who actually listened or read the speech for themselves.

  4. Only "nonsense" to all the good compliant liberals who are brainwashers and think obama is so great when the fact stands that everything he has touched has turned into crap. You people can not name one success he has had so the only recourse is to label what the truthtellers are saying as nonsense.
    Time to face facts and admit your boy is a complete and absolute failure on a massive level. This does not even just emcompass his presidency. Never in his life has he done a thing productive.

  5. @ 6:04

    It sounded a lot like him ascolding Americans rather than sticking up for our country. Say what you want, but he said what he said.

  6. Obama clearly loved Neville Chamberlain's style of government. APPEASEMENT

  7. When is enough enough and we finally realize that helping other countries is hurting ours? Why not take care of our own problems first before telling others how to live their lives?

  8. Every American donated 5.00$ to Egypt's muslim brotherhood regime this year.
    Last years debacle in Libya also cost each of us about the same.
    I want my money back Mr. President.

  9. actually, Obama has said and implied it is wrong to mock Muhammad, and yet he mocks the Bible and Jesus's Sermon on The Mount, tell me what is wrong with that picture. Double Standards


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