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Wednesday, September 26, 2012


According to a newspaper column released in 1979 by Vernon Jarrett, father-in-law of Obama confidente Valerie Jarrett, President Barack Obama might owe his success to a very controversial benefactor.
Early Obama critics will remember the particularly bizarre case of Percy Sutton, a leading African-American Civil Rights leader and entrepreneur who, while being interviewed on a New York area news program, dropped something of a bomb. Specifically, Sutton claimed that then-candidate Obama had earned his admission to Harvard thanks to the intervention of a mysterious lawyer named Khalid al-Mansour, who Sutton fingered as working for one of the wealthiest men on earth. According to Sutton, Mansour had asked him to write a letter of recommendation for Obama, and was in the process of “raising money” for Obama, though what this money could be for, he didn’t specify.


  1. This traitor was planted in 1979 to destroy us from within by foreign enemies, and the media don't care. Why, because they are in on the scheme. I guess he really isn't a traitor because he is not an American, but instead an enemy spy who would be hung if justice were done. He is not the real threat, the real threat is an electorate that was stupid enough to elect him and possibly re-elect him. They have beaten us-this country is done.

  2. we are entering 40 days of prayer and fasting for our nation. i urge everyone who believes to join us in asking God's grace and mercy for our country. ask God to deliever us from this tyrant and to bless us once again. believe...

  3. 1:07

    God is not going to get elected President.

    You better put your faith in Romney and tell everyone you know why.

  4. I'm voting for Romney because of his achievements. To me it's not rocket science. A self made multimillionair over a community organizer (whatever that is) anyday. I can't believe anyone would even give this a second thought.
    It's like if you have a fatal illness. Do you choose the proven new treatment or do you choose the treatment that's been around for a few years and has shown no success?
    Common sense dictates that you jump onboard with something proven and not something you've tried with no results.

  5. 8:20 you must have problems comprehending what you have read. nowhere did i suggest God would or could be elected president.

    as far as putting my faith in man; not happening. no one should put their faith in man. if you do, you set yourself up for failure and disappointment.

    i put my faith in the true and living God to help us in our collective time of need. my words stand.


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