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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Favorite Teacher Contest, Instrument Donations

Barnes & Noble “My Favorite Teacher Contest” Open to Middle and High School Students 

Middle and high school students can nominate a favorite teacher for recognition through the Barnes & Noble “My Favorite Teacher Contest.” Entries will be accepted until March 1 at the Barnes & Noble in Salisbury. To nominate a favorite teacher, a student will need to write an essay, poem or thank you letter explaining how a teacher has influenced their life and why they appreciate or admire that teacher. Entries should be 500 words or less, in English, typed on letter-size white paper. An entry form (available online at http://img1.imagesbn.com/PImages/store/special_landings/pdf/BN_My_Favorite_Teacher_Entry_Form_and_Rules_120912.pdf) , signed by a parent or guardian, must accompany the entry. Visit Barnes & Noble for more information and entry forms. The student whose entry is chosen as the winner will receive a certificate of recognition and will be honored at the store alongside the winning teacher, who will win recognition and a special award. 

Donated Instruments Sought for SWAC Instrument Barn

If you have a musical instrument sitting around your home waiting for a new home, please consider donating it to the Instrument Barn, a program offered by the Salisbury Wicomico Arts Council (SWAC).  The Instrument Barn is looking for flutes, clarinets, alto saxophones, and trombones to refurbish and distribute to deserving students in the Wicomico County school system.  If you would like to make a donation, please call SWAC at 410-543-ARTS (2787) and request a copy of an instrument barn donation form to make your tax-deductible donation. (This form can also be downloaded from the SWAC website at www.GetSWAC.org  ) 

Please note: donated instruments can be delivered directly to Salisbury Music and Instrument Store, 925 Eastern Shore Drive, Salisbury, MD attention: Joel Smith.

SWAC’s Instrument Barn program was created to address two critical non-arts issues through the arts: 1) narrowing the achievement gap in Wicomico County public schools and 2) encouraging youth volunteerism and civic engagement while giving the gift of music. Through this program, students may receive an instrument to play until their last day of high school.  The requirements for students to receive an instrument are that they maintain a C average in school work and that they commit to 10 hours of community service. (Students interested in obtaining an instrument should contact their school band or music director to complete the paperwork to be faxed to SWAC at 410-543-2787.)

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