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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Highlighted Events In Wicomico Schools This Week

Wednesday, Sept. 26
Wicomico Recipe for homegrown “Butter Fries” on Menu
Wicomico County Public Schools
Wicomico students celebrated Maryland Homegrown School Lunch Week last week with fresh local corn on the cob and green beans, and this Wednesday, Sept. 26 they’ll enjoy “butter fries” – locally grown butternut squash cut to resemble French fries, baked, and lightly seasoned with cinnamon, a Wicomico-created recipe. Fresh local fruits and vegetables have been served in Wicomico school cafeterias since the start of the school year when available from farms in Wicomico County or other Maryland counties. 

Wednesday, Sept. 26
Superintendent’s Open Door Session
Board of Education Building
Superintendent of Schools Dr. John Fredericksen will hold the first Superintendent’s Open Door Session of the 2012-13 school year from 4-6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 26, in the Administrative Conference Room of the Board of Education Building, Mt. Hermon Road and Long Avenue, Salisbury.  Open Door Sessions provide the opportunity for people to meet one-on-one with the superintendent. People may express concerns, offer comment, or ask questions on any issue involving Wicomico schools. No appointment is needed. Each visitor will have approximately 15 minutes to meet with the superintendent. Follow-up sessions will be held if there are more visitors than there is time on the scheduled night. Additional Open Door Sessions for this school year are scheduled for Oct. 17, Nov. 14, Dec. 12, Jan. 16, Feb. 13, March 13, April 24 and May 15. 410-677-4495.

Thursday, Sept. 27
Mid-term progress report sent home (1st Marking Period ends Oct. 31, report cards distributed Nov. 8)

Friday, Sept. 28
Professional Day
Schools closed for students so staff may participate in professional development

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