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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Madonna: 'We have a black Muslim in the White House'

Madonna brought her MDNA Tour to Washington, D.C. on Monday night, and added a bizarre dose of politics to the show.
"Y'all better vote for f--king Obama, OK? For better or for worse, all right? We have a black Muslim in the White House. Now that's some amazing s--t," she said. "It means there is hope in this country. And Obama is fighting for gay rights, so support the man, g---amnit."


  1. Just another stupid person trying to monetize being stupid...

  2. Many a true word is spoken in jest!!

  3. oh God, please make obama lose. i really don't want madonna taking her clothes off in public...

  4. TRASH!Who would even listen to her?She is a has been and trashy !

  5. Another clueless person. Has she not seen, in her travels, the travesties on muslims in other countries. She will never be subservient to any man. Some of these dummies need to wake up and smell the coffee!!

  6. OMG. What an idiot. And people pay to listen to her political views??? She should just shut up and entertain. Keep her politcail opinions to herself when she is on stage.

  7. As if she does not display her stupidity enough; that puts over the top on the dumba$$ chart!

  8. She must be a Romney supporter!

  9. She is a disgrace to women everywhere. Too dumb to be a Romney suporter.

  10. What a great role modle and political force. Absolute Trash

  11. True statements from a Obama voter!

  12. She is a typical obama voter. Those people can't say anymore than a few words without inserting vulgarity into a phrase.

  13. "...an iconic remark."


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