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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Is WorWic Community College Killing Geese To Feed The Homeless?


  1. Best news I heard all day.. Get rid of the local geese population.. they are a nuisance everywhere

  2. Resident geese are a nuisance and their numbers must be controlled. There is actually a legal hunting season for resident geese to help control their numbers. This just ended on the 15th of this month. I don't see too many students complaining about the methods used to control other nuisance animals such as rats and mice. Geese are a vector for contagious diseases just like rodents are.

  3. There are plenty of Geese on private property. This is not Cool.

  4. Is it legal to kill on State Owned property?

  5. @ 5:26.... are you for real??? Do you think WorWic property is State property??? Do you think that the tens of thousands of acres the State owns are off limits to hunting??? Granted, not all "state" property is allowed to be legally hunted, but still!!! DA!!

  6. Kill 2 stones with one bird! Get rid of those nuisance geese, and feed the homeless in one fell swoop!

    It can't get any better than this!

    Do they have some rotisseries to cook `em over a nice campfire?

    For those who love those pesky geese, let them walk barefoot on the grassy areas surrounding the pond at Wor-Wic. Let me know how many "landmines" you encounter ...

  7. Attitudes like this are why some people have a bad taste about hunters. What may not be a concern or upsetting to some is for others.
    I would suggest getting in touch with the HSUS who quite possibly could help in removing the geese in less "deadly" ways.

  8. Good job wipe them out, they will kill every living fish in a pond with their poop


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