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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Judging Of Disability Claims Flawed, Senate Study Finds

More than one out of every 20 Americans of working age was collecting Social Security disability payments as of March, but the system designed to judge claims is overloaded and bungles more than a quarter of the cases, according to a new report by a Senate investigative subcommittee.
Investigators looked at 300 cases in which disability was approved and found adjudicators regularly ignoring red flags in applications, such as incomplete or inconsistent information.
That finding is consistent with the Social Security Administration’s own internal reviews and signals a system in need of an overhaul, said Sen. Tom Coburn, the ranking Republican on the subcommittee, who led the study and said some of the decisions coming from administrative law judges (ALJs) — one level of the process — are so bad they make the final judgments seem almost arbitrary.


  1. I would love to see the number of people that are currently working and not collecting any type of assistance.

  2. Got a man in Bivalve who is on total disability and works his garden everyday by hand. He drives everywhere and saw him lift a 50lb bag of corn. He laughed at the system and said "you should try it , you might not get cause your white."


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