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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Both Sides Gear Up For Same-Sex Marriage Fight

Gay rights activists, religious leaders and politicians are gearing up for two months of campaigning on the Maryland referendum to strike down same-sex marriage legislation that passed in March. Hot off the political conventions in Tampa and Charlotte, volunteers will be staffing nightly phone banks, canvassing door-to-door and finding ways to make same-sex marriage a personal issue for voters.

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  1. Clearly much more important than the runaway federal debt.
    Please wake up people before it is too late if it isn't already.

  2. 2:59 I guess an awful lot of misguided people thought it was so important that we had to get it on the ballot.

  3. 3:58 Yeah sometimes we have to vote on things that are being force fed to us. Clearly most people do not want gay marriage.

  4. The ballot will spank this subject off the map. Why isn't the deficit and budget on the ballot? That should be #1.

  5. Huge distractions thrown at us to confuse us about what is, and is not important. It used to be a given that sodomy was a bad idea. Now it is rubbed in our faces so we won't care about the vicious murders being done in our names all around the world.


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