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Sunday, September 02, 2012

Iowans Send Message to Obama

SIOUX CITY, Iowa - President Obama received a less than warm welcome and a warning upon arrival at the airport here on the second stop of his Iowa visit, which was aimed at recapturing some of the magic the state gave his run to the White House in 2008.
Greeting Air Force One as it touched down under sunny skies and sultry heat was a hand-painted banner draped across the top of an airplane hangar that reads, "Obama Welcome to SUX - We Did Build This." "SUX" is the airport code for Sioux City.
The message appeared to be a response President Obama's "you didn't build that" remark from a July campaign rally, when he was trying to explain that government - not businesses - constructed public infrastructure on which the economy relies. Republicans have used the four words to attack Obama as out of touch with the realities of owning and operating a small business.


  1. Nice job! Well done.

  2. Alex maybe we should use the exams of your lefty buddies who break into personal property and put hate slogans on and in buildings , or your occupy friends who rake over and destroy public areas? Or the ones who attack and close off ports and harbors and once again destroy private property . Should I go on or will you at least recognize that these people did it on THEIR OWN property as is their right?

  3. Obama has been the most racist intolerant President of my lifetime signs such as these are well deserved.

  4. From Wikipedia, "The construction of Sioux City Army Air Base began in March 1942, about three months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Opened on 5 July 1942, it became a major training center during World War II[6] for crewmen of B-24 Liberators and B-17 Flying Fortresses. With the end of World War II, the former training base switched to becoming a processing center to discharge personnel out of the service and back into civilian life."
    So... no They didn't build that, the federal government, by way of the army did.

  5. They could at least try spelling sucks correctly next time.

    @ Ranger3325: That was quite the incoherent ramble did you have a point or were you just talking because you enjoy hearing your own nonsense?

  6. 2:53 and where did the money come from for the governments to build the airport? TAXES
    And where do taxes come from? THE PEOPLE
    The government has not built a thing. WE the people have.

  7. Spelling , that's all you have is spelling ? What part of the rant did you not " want " to understand ? Let me break it down for you , the owner of the business had every right to put that sign on his building ( and yes he did build it) . On the other hand your little leftist thugs have no right to destroy and take over other peoples property . Is that coherent enough or would you rather ignore the content and focus on spelling ?

  8. SUX is the code for this airport pilots use 3:40. When communicating they will refer to themselves as Flight # whatever and airports by their code letter.
    Air traffic controllers will say Flight # whatever this is SUX....

  9. Anon 2:53 what exactly does the federal government produce in order for them to get the money to build it. Oh that's right they don't , they receive money from taxes, that come from bussiness and from payroll taxes that come from the business they work for. The government produces nothing , they just take from some and give to others,

  10. "So... no They didn't build that, the federal government, by way of the army did.

    September 2, 2012 2:53 PM"

    Okay.....2:53 and where did the federal government get the money for the army to build this airport? From taxes which come from us, the people who work for a living and pay those taxes for the government to build everything they build.
    The government wouldn't be able to build a thing if it weren't for successful hard working people.
    He went on to say there was help from the govenment in the form of teachers (who are paid with tax money) and roads (which are built with tax money) and bridges (which are also built with tax money).
    We built everything in this country. It was an ignorant statement coming from a very ignorant person.

  11. @ Ranger

    My leftist thugs? Sorry, but all you do is come across as an angry sad little man, an ill-informed one at that. Go cry some more.

  12. Alot of us are angry and sad
    9:36. We are angry and sad because so many of our fellow Americans have fallen for obama's lies. It's both maddening and sad that so many will not admit he is a complete failure and continue to make excuses up for him. It's both maddening and sad that so many are so ill-informed that they are unaware that for 2 years the democrats had complete control of not only the presidency but also congress and passed all the legislation on their agenda and things have only gotten worse.
    We are angry and sad that so many can not grasp the simple concept that if it were not for the people who work and pay taxes the government couldn't build an outhouse. Yes we did build it, you fool some call the president!

  13. SUX.....LAX La, Ca. Airport.....see how it works now?


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