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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hebron Savings Bank vs Wanda Henderson


  1. So this would be the first person to actually see jail for bank misconduct?

  2. Finally, a Henderson may be brought to justice. This is certainly a big black eye for HSB.

  3. After embezzling all that money they still had to file for bankruptcy, it's unbelievable! This would make a good American Greed show.

  4. If someone's store gets robbed, is it a black eye for the store owner? I think NOT. This is not a black eye for Hebron. They are seeing that she is brought up on charges. Good for them.

  5. So How would anyone "blame the bank" How about blaming the person who committed the crime...I just dont understand how people blame the bank..I, as a honest person, would never think about doing such a thing...

  6. Wow isnt this the Third Person who has done this at HBS? What ever happend to Sandy Walker....She did the same exact thing....not only to HBS but to her former employer...

    1. What former employer? Do you mean one that she worked for outside of HSB?

    2. Yes, I would also like to know the answer to that question? What former employer and where are you getting your "facts?"

  7. Maybe the bank itself does fall into the chain of blame? Doesn't the Board of this bank meet with the officials and approve loans? I believe this is how it works.
    Though Henderson is ultimately to blame it could just be that she saw the negligence and took advantage.

  8. The bank needs to examine its internal controls.

  9. I just know of someone who requested a small loan, I believe somewhere around $10,000 from another small local community bank and they did have to wait until the board of directors met to approve it.

  10. A slap on the wrist will be the extent of her punishmnet..

  11. So does this mean she will only be charged for the $60,000 transfer into her personal checking account???

  12. Certainly when the presidents executive secretary can embezzle over $600,000 over 6 years something is drastically wrong with the oversight at the bank. Red flags should have been going up everywhere. This was also not the first case of this nature at this bank. Heads need to roll at the bank. Safeguards should have been in place for something like this. She certainly deserves jail time.

  13. Don't bet the farm on that one 12:40! We are talking serious crime and the feds. The Henderson clan doesn't have any influence over them and justice will be served.

  14. Because she is a Henderson, she will probably get by with a "don't do that again!

  15. I find it strange that the MR didn't know anything about all of this.

  16. This is one giant dysfunctional family. The time has come to face the consequences of their actions.

  17. This wasn't exactly an armed robbery 10:59. Big difference in case you don't realize it. The bank is not the one seeking justice, it's the government. If truth be known, the bank would have probably preferred to absorb the loss and sweep the mess under the table. This is bad PR for the bank any way you look at it, Especially for the president and the board.

  18. 9-18-12

    Stand by for the second set of papers that come down! The Dog Wardens name WILL be on them. Somerset County should be proud of Bobby Jones and Henderson; ONLY they had a chance to GET RID of Henderson! Good Ole Boy politics, is alive and well in Somerset County. By the way, I see NO mention of the fact a QUIET settlement was made with the CULLEN inmate whom Henderson "DIDN'T abuse and strongarm"! Also a settlement was made to the shooting victim and casualty of X-Warden and Sheriffs' Deputy Robert Purnell.
    The question at hand is, when and how much is the County going to have to pay at a later time to Deputy Troy Durham?

  19. Very good observations 3:07. A lot of people will be estatic if James L. Henderson Jr. is indicted. Probably the dumbest thing the county ever did was rehire James Henderson. Henderson had been forced to resign in a deal he made with prosecutors. The county knew that he had been abusing inmates and when the position of dog warden became available they rehired him. Any moran would have known better than to rehire someone like that.

    I believe that you are also correct in that settlements were made in other lawsuits involving Henderson and Purnell. This might get very interesting in the near future. Keep us posted Joe.

  20. Question. If this Henderson was abusing inmates why in the hell did someone feel justified in hiring him to work around truly defenseless animals?

  21. That question has been asked many times 4:18 and the commissioners never respond. They refuse to remove him from his job and seem to think that he is doing a good job. Personally, I think he is a lawsuit just waiting to happen. He is an avid hunter that boosts about killing animals to his friends and was charged once with shooting turkeys over bait. The commissioners should fire him or explain their reasons for keeping him on the payroll. Somerset can't stand more lawsuits.

  22. $680,000 and the spouse didn't know anything about it, give me a break. Can we say accessory to a crime.

  23. Question2: If Henderson was fired from HSB for embezzlement, why did PRMC hire her?

  24. Have wondered about the PRMC employment, Maybe someone has an explanation. Looks bad for the hospital I thimk.

  25. More questions than answers it seems. This will work it's way through the system, hopefully Joe will keep us posted on what's happening.

  26. Frankly, the whole clan knew the money was coming from hebron. Daughter dont work, son n law is a new self employeed waterman, three little children to support, but yet build a new monster home, new furniture to fill it, thousands on new crab pots, new work boat....maybe they have a money tree? Live at end of a rainbow? I think not! And yes, i hope the "dog wardon" gets his too. A married couple knows the income each makes, so your not telling dog wardon was oblivious to it all. They run around like their above everyone, especially him! Trust me, alot more goes on down at the dog control then just chasing dogs!

  27. I heard that she may get a deal if she spills the beans on other accomplishes. Others had to know and benefit from the money.


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