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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Disabled WWII and Korean War Veteran Faces Eviction, Freddie Mac Refuses to Return Calls

One of our fans made us aware of this situation, a WWII and Korean War Veteran, who had a stroke last year is facing eviction, along with his wife and disabled daughter. Mrs. Scott has tried to contact Freddie Mac to ask them to help her, but they will not return her calls.

“We don’t want a handout,” Sally Scott said from the porch of her Creve Coeur home. “We just want a fair deal, and we want someone to actually talk to us.”

Sally said she has never spoken to a representative from Freddie Mac over the phone or in person, even when they put her home into foreclosure several months ago

SBS who services their loan, said if they could talk Freddie Mac into rescinding the Foreclosure, they would work something out with the loan. Freddie Mac was bailed out by taxpayer dollars at over $120 billion! I think they owe it to this Veteran to give them a damn phone call!!


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