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Sunday, September 02, 2012

Federal Government Ending Wyoming Wolf Protections

CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — Visitors to Yellowstone National Park on almost any given day can glimpse packs of wolves and hear their iconic howls, thanks to a yearslong effort to revive the species that once neared extinction in the United States.

It's an effort the federal government has determined to be so successful that wolves no longer need special protections to ensure their survival in Wyoming — the state officials chose in the mid-1990s for reintroducing the predator to the Northern Rocky Mountains.



  1. That's great, now we need to re-introduce the red wolf here on Delmarva. Help control the deer.

  2. 3:24 PM

    And more red necks to control other things?

  3. The red wolf was here before the rednecks, and they made out just fine then.


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