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Sunday, September 02, 2012

Chuck Norris' Dire Warning For America

America’s favorite action star is doing just that this election – calling on evangelical Christians across the nation to join him in crushing the creep of socialism under President Obama.

Norris and his wife, Gena, have filmed a public service announcement, unveiled exclusively at WND, wherein the two urge Christians to help save the country in November.

“We are here to talk about a growing concern we all share,” Chuck Norris explains. “If we look to history, our great country and freedom are under attack. We’re at a tipping point and, quite possibly, our country as we know it may be lost forever if we don’t change the course in which our country is headed.”



  1. I guess Mr. Eastwood was right - hollywood does have a few conservatives.

    Thank you Mr. Norris.

  2. Another entertainer jumping into the fray.This is the 3rd or 4th lately.Maybe they'll make a difference.In most cases their careers have stalled,or are just plain over when they get the political itch.Hank and Charlie are still hanging on,barely,and Clint has a new movie in theaters.I had'nt heard from Chuck in some time.Robert De Niro has'nt surfaced yet during the current campaign,but there's still time.He'll probably flare up at the Dem Convention.

  3. if the celebs for the liberals can so can the Republicans

  4. For the most part I prefer my actors to act and my singers to sing. But they are citizens too and have the right to speak their opinions. Most of the time when you here "celebs" saying something in the political arena it is to run our country down. (Love it or leave it comes to mind.) I loved seeing 82 year old Clint Eastwood talking to the empty chair and truly appreciate him and Chuck Norris standing up for the U.S.A. How can anyone vote for Obama after what has happened in this country the last 3 1/2 years.


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