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Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Did President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton send a “gay” ambassador to Muslim-majority Libya, where homosexual behavior is a crime punishable by imprisonment?
Believing the “Arab Spring” countries would be encouraged to embrace democracy through left-leaning diplomats dedicated to understanding and dialoguing with Muslim communities, did a State Department under Secretary Clinton that refused to establish rules of engagement providing embassy personnel Marine Corp protection take the additional risk of placing a gay ambassador in Muslim countries?
The question comes amid claims in the diplomatic community that J. Christopher Stevens — the U.S. ambassador to Libya brutally murdered on the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks — was homosexual.


  1. Ok! that makes sence now.

  2. What lousy, gutless crap! Isn't it enough that the man was murdered while doing his job?

  3. It's obvious the Libyans (or atleast some of them hired by the US) who worked inside the consulate walls turned on the ambassasdor. Homosexuality is not an option in Muslim culture and especially an Islamic government.

  4. 6:05

    Why would a responsible president appoint an openly homosexual man to represent the United States in a country and culture that condemns the deviant behavior to prison and death?
    This person was responsible for face to face meetings with strict Islamists.
    Obama sent him on a one way death mission either through naivety, arrogance or complete stupidity.
    I personally vote for all three.
    The Obama regime foreign policy is a complete failure.
    I knew it the minute he appointed Hillary Clinton.
    Keep in mind how inept her husband's regime was in foreign policy and who let Bin Laden actually get away to begin with when the muslims blew up the World trade center in 1993 and continued to work toward that goal throughout his presidency.
    The weak "cant we all get along with tolerance and acceptance" stance of the Democrat Socialists are to blame here. Obama's hands are red with Steven's blood.

  5. Yes it was all about the man's sexual orientation. Not about hitting a high profile US target that would bring world wide attention to the anti-US movement. CLOWNS

  6. the dimwits in this country who say they don't care about muslims and their sharia laws better wake up. i agree why on earth would the U.S. send a known homosexual to a muslim country? again, you can't fix stupid...

  7. Muslims do not like our wide open immoral culture. What we take for granted (some men openly engage in sodomy and feel no shame) is considered reprehensible to their basic understanding of human behavior. They reject sodomy outright as an immoral and filthy act.

    We should bomb them.

  8. What I read in the piece is conjecture, not proof. Anything titillating published about someone who has died is inherently suspect, as far as I'm concerned. Anyway: Let's not waste our time on the sexual preferences of the dead and focus on Romney's economic plan. Columns like this WND piece are a great distraction from what's really important.

  9. "Anonymous said...
    Yes it was all about the man's sexual orientation. Not about hitting a high profile US target that would bring world wide attention to the anti-US movement. CLOWNS

    September 18, 2012 6:42 PM"

    You can not seriously think it was reponsible for Obama admin to send an openly gay man into a country overrun with Islamists? You really really need to educate yourself.

  10. They reject sodomy outright as an immoral and filthy act.
    .....Appears their smarter then us

  11. 9:30

    The irony in your comment is staggering.


    Get an education before you speak on human rights.

  12. He was not "openly gay." Can you read????

  13. apparently sodomy is only appropriate post mortem for these clowns.

  14. 5:07 to put it as delicately as I can, what we refer to as sodomy is a sign of dominance in this extremist culture. It's a way to humiliate and show dominance. The one "performing" the "ritual" is not using something attached to himself. Enough said.

  15. Wow, here you all go again. One headline, one story, one sided and you all forget everything else you've heard about Mr. Stevens!
    You've all gone mad, your outright rabid!
    Wake up, stories like this are put out to do just what this one did. Get SOME of you all worked up over nothing!
    Mr. Stevens LOVED being an Ambassador in Lybia!
    These attacks and his death had NOTHING to do with his sexual orientation.
    Some of you are saying stuff that is downright untrue, unfounded and ignorant! It's downright sickening.
    You're willing to just forget the good this man did in his life and instead start bashing him and others over sexual orientation.
    Really!? Get a life and stay out of other peoples personal lives!

  16. No one here has bashed the poor guy.
    I feel horrible that Obama and Clinton put him out there as a sacrificial lamb for the slaughter with absolutely no sovereign security (American troops) whatsoever after ignoring warning after warning and failing to take 9/11 anniversary precautions, then LYING to the American public to
    cover their weakness and ineptitude.

  17. You just proved my point even further 10:28 Anon!
    It was Mr. Stevens CHOICE to go to Lybia! He WANTED to go to Lybia!
    Some day maybe you'll stop blaming people for things unjustly, but I doubt it.
    You sound like a rabid neocon!
    Mr. Stevens sexual orientation should never have even been brough up! Period!


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