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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Letter To The Editor 9-18-12 On Bennett Middle School

Hi Joe:

In the four weeks at BMS I have learned that prisoners have more rights than the students. I learned yesterday that students are not "allowed" to turn in papers early, even if they are completed early. How crazy is that?

Also, students are not permitted to use the restroom during class time more than four times in a marking term. As everyone knows BMS is very overcrowded, the
students have five minutes to get from one classroom to the next, they have to go to there lockers and restroom and be sitted before the bell rings or they will be
marked as tardy.

What every happened to disciplining the students who try and take advantage of the system. My son is an "A" student, he is good and has liked school until this year.
Now he gets "down in the dumps" and has a sick feeling in his stomach when going to the bus stop.

I am only one person and I don't know that I can do anything, but I think all parents need to pay attention to the way our children are being treated in school. I sure wish that there were cameras in all classrooms, so that we could tell what really goes on.


  1. What torturous conditions.

  2. What torturous conditions

  3. Put him in private school. Unfortunately they have to run a tight ship there because of the riff raff running the halls.

  4. I DREAD middle school for my kids in this county!

  5. you need to move to delmar problem solved

  6. I moved my children to Snow Hill, my only regret is that I didn't do it sooner.

  7. My child's middle school years were spent in Mardela...he had fantastic teachers & a wonderful experience there.

  8. My second child is in BMS. I love it! never a problem…good teachers and my kids like it. No issues.
    You are welcome to go and visit your child’s class……I do it often….great experience. Just because a child is not allowed to abuse the bathroon excuse, does not mean the children are not treated well. if the kids were allowed to go to the batheroom, the kids would be doing it all the time. 5 minutes is plenty of time……it’s the real world. high school is the same. If there is too much time inbetween classes, the time is not spent wisely and things could out of hand with that many students.

  9. Please do not assume all teachers have these requirements at BMS, and place all of BMS together. I love the teachers my child has had at BMS, especially the team of 6th grade teachers they have had. They are firm, fair, and consistent and are really dedicated.

  10. What happened to a student tsking responsibility for themselves?
    Today many don't sharpen their pencil before class, go to the bathroom before class and cannot even write a complete sentence in class.Habe you gone to that school and stood in the hall and observed the students in class? Im sure your son is a big boy and can dicipline his bathroom breaks to his advantage. Work with the school not against it. Wake up!!They are trying to get students to waste less class time spending it in the the bathroom. Yes they take 15 min when they go out and bother other classes, make noise in the hall and visit their friends in neighboring classes.You show, parents are the problem too.

  11. 6:15 Did you move into the Snow Hill district, or do you have to pay tuition? The last time I checked into this, is was not permissible to put your child into a school which is in a different county.

  12. When you say 4 times per term to use the bathroom don't forget that is per class. I bet the teacher never leaves once. Plus, already this is a problem? Can you drive straight to Ocean City with the kid or do you take a bathroom break in Pittsville? On a serious note, if you believe your kid really needs to go that often simply get a doctors note and they will excuse him. Just goes to show you can't please all the people all the time.

  13. My kid spent the last three years at North Salisbury School and he tells me every day how much he loves Bennett Middle School. My kid is also an A student and a gifted athlete with a lot of friends.

    First, I doubt your kid is an "A" student. Second, I doubt he has a lot of friends. Third,if you cared so much then why are you making him take the bus to school?

  14. It seems that quite possibly more than the restroom policy and not being able to turn in papers early is going on with your son.
    I think I would have to do a bit of snooping around and see if there isn't another problem. It could be that you could subvert it now before it becomes larger.

  15. If you want your kids to have a good and peaceful education teach them yourselves with the help of the internet and online studies. Public schools are not safe and do not teach children well.

  16. sounds like the administration and the teachers are not running the asylum. if the parents stood up and controlled their children and taught them how to act in public the school system would be so much better off.

  17. St. Francis is an excellent alternative to the public middle schools.

  18. The schools are dealing with kids that have no discipline at home. I see it everyday even in my extended family. It is sad that schools have to have certain rules for the children that don't act right in school, but what can they do about it. Parents want to believe there kids are not the problem, but unfortunately someone's child is. Instead of complaining on the Internet, go to your child's school and see what is going on and what you can do about it.

  19. Considering the fact that most students are only traveling from one room to the next, or across the hall, 5 minutes is more than enough time to go to the bathroom. Besides, a boy's bathroom is actually the most dangerous place in the school - especially during class when it is not monitored. It is monitored between classes. Maybe put him back in diapers if he can't make it through class?


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