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Friday, September 07, 2012

Circus of the Vagina-gogues

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Hide your children. This is what the progressive left's idea of women's empowerment looks like: For the past two weeks, radical feminists from the group Code Pink have paraded across the fruited plain in giant female reproductive organ costumes.
The goal is "respect" for women's bodies and women's abortion rights. It's part of the coordinated campaign to fight the right's purported "war on women." The Vagina Puppets' Democratic Party sympathizers, from professional birth control freeloader Sandra Fluke to first lady Michelle Obama, dog-whistled the same messages of "choice" and "freedom" from the convention stage.


  1. typical it seems thats how democrats act in the streets as well.except theyre usually selling drugs costing taxpayers,robbing each other coting taxpayers,shooting costing taxpayers,going to the e.r. or dr. without insurance(or medical assistance)costing taxpayers,buying $50.00-$100.00 at fat boys,or cheeseteaks subs at the corner store while dressed in name brand clothing to include shoes,hat,and pocket book driving a new vehicle,while using an ebt extremely costly to taxpayers.people(as obama would read from the teleprompter)we have found a solution to balance the budget illegalize democrats they cost more to taxpayers than illegal immigrants.everything else is them,the war on crime the war on drugs fight for better this better that no go gets a damn job!

  2. Well, the "circus" part is right!

  3. This is exactly why the DNC couldn't fill their convention seats. The majority of registered democrats are middle of the road and wouldn't find this clever. They just like most people find it not only stupid but vulgar.
    Tasteless, classless public displays by these woman only help the GOP. Mitt Romney's poll numbers among woman have been steadily moving up.

  4. The democrats want to reduce woman to what is between their legs whereas the republicans want to focus on what is between a woman's ears is the convention messages I saw.

  5. their an insult to the word circus.

  6. Remember the good old days when the letter V stood for victory?

  7. Back row right - that is Jim Ireton.


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