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Friday, September 07, 2012

Blame Some Else


  1. Yup, that about says it all. For the last 3 1/2 years all we have heard is it was Bush's fault.

    Let me tell you this. They (meaning the libbie dems) keep telling me how bad I had it under Bush and how good they have made it. Well, that is just NOT true at all. I was earning more, paying less for goods and services and didn't exactly see an 8.3% unemployment rate either.

    In other words this middle class girl was prospering.

  2. I also being a single working woman, was at least able to support myself and child until this BOZO came into office. NOW, barely able to get by each month with all the cutbacks, layoffs, increase in EVERYTHING (groceries, gas, health insurance) while the FAT CAT in the White House is going on vacation every other month (or more) living the life of Riley!

  3. 9:30 - I feel your pain. Everything before was looking up. Now it's all upside down.

    Frankly I think that message should be getting out more. Working class people WERE getting ahead before.

    Now, in the name of social justice the working class is paying dear.

    Social justice policies discriminate. EQUAL justice is much better.

  4. And the Republicans play the same blame game, doesn't that make them failures too?

  5. anonymous 10:50, It's scary to think that you liberals are teaching our children in school every day. Rather than taking ownership of ANYTHING, you point the finger elsewhere. And we wonder hy its so difficult to raise our children the proper way these days.

    We don't want your children wearintg the clothes that are on the racks, we want to CONTROL YOU and your children and shove a school uniform down our throats instead.

    Own something for once in your life. Admit mistakes and fault.

  6. man, joe i sure hope rommeny wins so we do not have to look at this bozo and his queen to much longer after november.
    send them back to chiland with emanuel and axlerod


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