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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Australia Bans Same Sex Marriage

The Australia parliament voted overwhelmingly to ban same sex marriage yesterday. The vote to ban same sex marriages was by a vote of 98 - 42. Also - Australia does not recognize same sex marriages conducted in other countries.

Take a look at the Australian parliaments strong language against gay marriages:

the definition of marriage in section 5:
marriage means the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.
the explicit denial of recognition of foreign same-sex marriages in section 88EA:

A union solemnised in a foreign country between:
(a) a man and another man; or
(b) a woman and another woman;
must not be recognised as a marriage in Australia.

Hopefully, some of our elected Maryland officials will take notice to our Austrilian breathren. This event serves as a warning for those who are in support of gay marriage.



  1. Australian people have more brains than Democrats in Maryland. OMalley would not stand a chance over there. When the law is struck down in Maryland in November OMalley will and the liberals will just have another vote to put it back on the books. Because, in fact, the Democrats don't really give a ship of what the voters think, or want.

  2. Marriage - noun - the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of two people to live as a married couple, including the accompanying social festivities

  3. Ha Ha!
    Wikipedia trickipedia.

    That certainly is not what marriage is.

    Cheers Mate!

  4. 6:54
    I went and found an old Webster Dictionary that was my parents. It was published in 1966. Here is the definition that it has.
    Marriage 1. the state of being married: relation between husband and wife: married life; wedlock; matrimony 2. the act of marrying;wedding

    SYN- marriage refers to the state of, or relation between, a man and woman who have become husband and wife or to the ceremony making this union.

    So as the years have passed they have twisted the meaning of the word marriage.

  5. If the word gets out about Australia - there might be a mass exodus of Marylander's. Then - not only will Maryland have lost its industrial base, but it will also lose its straight laced population. Then - it really will become the 'Sodom & Gammorah' of the East Coast.

  6. Won't happen... Australia actually has an strict immigration policy (imagine that) You just don't migrate there unless you have a documented skill set or education their economy needs. Worked there on a visa a few years ago.


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