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Friday, August 31, 2012

Wicomico Civic Center REFUSES To Sell Bob Dylan Tickets After 8 PM

The cheapest seats in the house last night were $35.00 each. But when a pair of friends went to the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center last night at 8 PM to buy tickets they were turned away at the door.

Outraged, they asked WHY? They were told the promoter for the Bob Dylan Concert stated they could not sell tickets after 8:00 PM.

They also stated there were PLENTY of seats available but they couldn't sell them.


  1. back when dylan first became a musician, people shut up, sat down, and enjoyed the music. not opening and closing doors, eating food, laughing with friends, or texting on their cell phone.

    its disrespectful to the talented man in front of you. why pay the 35$ for the ticket if you're not gonna pay attention.

    Peter Frampton will get furious at concerts if people are disrespectful towards him.

  2. Love Dylan, but that's just stupid. like bands are always on time

  3. This is why our County is in such disarray.

    1. It doesn't have anything to do with the county, as the post said, it was the promoters decision. Why blame the county for everything. Btw...when is the last time you attended a meeting or tried to become involved

  4. No wonder we don't get great shows here!

  5. It started at 7:30.

  6. They didn't miss much. Honestly I wish I had my money back.

  7. It’s about the promotor having time to settle up and roll out. Anything after 8pm and it messes with the schedual and a few extra tickets wont make or break Dylan.
    As great as he was, he is now a shell of the artist he was. Maybe they can stuff him and make a mechanical mouth then play his old recordings and it would be great.

  8. 1:05. this has nothing to do with the county. The artist and promoters establish these kinds if restrictions.

  9. I agree with 1:05. This is EXACTLY why our county is in such disarray!

    1. Another idiot that doens't know what they are even saying. The county is in disarray because there are so many ignorant people in it. Would you please explain to me why it is the county's fault oh bright one? No response from you = stupid.

  10. Bob always performed better in a recording studio than on stage.That's why I would never go to see him in person.He's a great performer,but anyone who ever went to one of his concerts rarely went back for more.His music is not conducive to a live performance,but he has recorded some of the greatest work ever.

  11. It was not a good concert at all!!!
    Could not understand either word he sang, even being up close to the stage where I paid good money!!!!

  12. 4:18, you're an even bigger idiot for agreeing with such a ridiculous statement.


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