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Friday, August 31, 2012

Today's Survey Question 8-31-12

After the Republican National Convention, how many like Romney/Ryan now?


  1. I have a great respect for Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan. I truly believe Mr. Romney will move our country forward to better economic times not just for some, but for all. I feel we need a president for the season. This season we are in is a very bad economic one. In really reading and studying about the companies Mr. Romney has saved and other new ventures he developed, I truly feel secure about the future for my family, myself, and most importantly my country. Our country can not take another four years of obama and his policies. I am afraid for everyone's future, and for the very core of our country if obama gets re-elected.
    Everyone from all parties need to really ask yourselves the question, "are you really better off than you were four years ago?" The truthful answer is, "no" and we need to get over the bias press and hateful messages because their only purpose is to confuse and divide the country. I'm sure that isn't what our founding fathers had in mind for the USA. May GOD BLESS US ALL!

  2. About the same as before, I figure.

  3. I would vote for anyone running against Obama. Because he is trashing our constitution taking away all of our freedoms and taxing and spending like there is no tomorrow. That is his agenda to ruin our country and start over as a communist or socialist country where the government controls everything.

  4. Romney and Ryan are a breath of fresh air compared to the putrid foul air of divisiveness that Obama and Biden excrete.

  5. Especially, now. Romeny/Ryan will not only have great plans but they will select cabinet members that know what they are doing!


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