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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Why Does The Social Security Administration Need 174,000 Rounds Of Ammunition?

First the DHS needed 450 million rounds of ammunition, then the NOAA requested 46,000 rounds, now we've discovered an online request at FBO.Gov calling for 174,000 rounds of ammunition for the Social Security Administration.

The request actually calls for 174K .357 hollow points that arguably have as much stopping power as any bullet out there, and hollow point to do as much damage to soft tissue as possible on top of that.



  1. Probably for all the gunfights that will occur at their offices when they refuse to give us our money back that we gave them all our lives. Pretty simple, there. I hope that's enough ammo divided among all those offices across the nation. They had better train their employees real good, too, as we baby boomers grew up with guns and have had a LOT of practice!

  2. It's just pork in this agency. I've seen armed guards in their Georgetown, DE office where there is no cash yet you can walk into any credit Union where's there is lots of cash but no guns. If you use armed guards, they need bullets. It's as simple as that.

  3. They are afraid of what the American people are capable of doing after you try and steal our rights away.

  4. We Baby Boomers have got it together you got that O'Bama. You can't fool all the people all the time and you certainly can't fool us!!!!!

    5:19 thank heavens there's somebody out there with practice

  5. I'll only need one bullet for you.


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