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Friday, August 17, 2012

What Happens If Obama Wins

On Tuesday evening Glenn Beck declared that if Barack Obama is reelected president, Americans will have only themselves to thank and will, essentially, reap what they deserve. He qualified that it pained him to admit such truths, but stressed that it is far better to deal with “harsh warnings” than the harsh consequences of a second Obama presidency. He ceded that during the 2008 election, Americans, being the consummate optimists, hoped to believe the best about Barack Obama when he emerged on the political scene. While the warning signs were there the public was “blinded” by the moment. “This time around there is no excuse, we will get exactly what we deserve,” Beck said.

Beck posited that under another Obama presidency America could become vulnerable to additional terrorist attacks and that the threats to Israel would mount as anti-Semitism rises across the globe. Likewise, record deficits, spending, bailouts, rising unemployment and corruption along with unsustainable investments (like Solyndra) will all boil down to disaster. He added that the economy both here and abroad could likely collapse and that the Muslim Brotherhood will begin to see success as it morphs from Islamic militant group to the architects of a far-reaching, anti-Western caliphate.

The usual suspects

So what, exactly, would the country look like during and after a second Obama term?

Aside from the possible outcomes Beck outlined, are increases in defense cuts and “green energy” investments — sound or otherwise. In turn, should President Obama occupy the Oval Office for another four years, it is almost definite that the Affordable Care Act will not be reformed in any meaningful or significant way, even if Republicans keep the House and take the Senate.



  1. What happens if O'Bama wins? The end of our government and country as we have known it. The Constitution will be gone, and so will our rights and freedoms.

  2. The Constitution will be gone, and so will our rights and freedoms.

    August 17, 2012 5:28 PM

    After a fight, MAYBE.


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