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Friday, August 17, 2012

Maryland's Unemployment Rate Edges Up To 7%

Maryland's unemployment rate inched up to 7% today in the latest state employment picture released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. From June to July, the state netted a gain of 800 jobs, while June's numbers were revised sightly upwards. The June unemployment rate was 6.9%, while January was 6.5%.

"This is not nearly enough job growth to say we're competitive in the region," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan. "And a spike of half a point in the unemployment rate since the beginning of the year is a disturbing trend to say the least."

Virginia saw a gain of 21,300 new jobs, the third-highest in the country between June and July, and its unemployment rate is 5.9%.

"Maryland has a formidable competitor south of the Potomac and Virginia once again is showing the way forward in job growth," added Hogan.


  1. These numbers r always so skewed. Why arent the number of jobs lost compared to those gained. More propaganda

  2. No no no...

    Unemployment should be defined as how many people are able bodied to work that are not working.
    NOT, how many people are "looking" for work.

    Real world numbers exceed 16 percent.
    O'Malley, Obama lies.

  3. Thank you, 221, the real numbers are way higher. Just need to go outside and look down your own block and see the able bodied workers home again today, or out working a low wage job just to get food on the table. I talk to my neighbors, I know. Many have run out of unemployment benefits and are scrapping for pennies on the dollar out there.

  4. I know, let's tax our people to death and run off all the small businesses, that'll help Maryland compete and be great! Yeah, great idea!!

  5. howcome it's not 15%? lotsa empty businesses around here.


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