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Friday, August 31, 2012

'We Deserve Better': Romney Accepts Republican Nomination

Mitt Romney needed to give the speech of his life. And he did.

That isn’t to say that Romney suddenly morphed into Ronald Reagan. He wasn’t electrifying. But he brought what is best about Mitt Romney to the surface: seriousness, leadership ability, and most of all, a true understanding of how business works, and how jobs are created.

The speech was optimistic throughout – but Romney’s assault on Barack Obama’s record was devastating. The key line of the night came midway through the speech when he dropped a rhetorical nuclear bomb on Obama’s failed hope-and-change aspirations: “President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet. MY promise...is to help you and your family.”



  1. Well done. President Romney, you may enter the White House.......soon.

  2. i liked every part of his speech. he was able to touch the very hearts of the american people. he not only let us know he could handle the looming job ahead because this is "what he does" and has the experience and confidence behind him, he showed us what's really important to him and his priorities, faith, family and service to fellow man.

    i loved the story about his father giving his mother a rose every morning of their married life and when he died there was no rose on her nightstand and she knew something was wrong. romney saw this love between his dad and mom his entire life and this gave him the foundation and example to do the same for his wife and family. every mom and dad can relate to the idea of missing their children coming to their bedroom and pouncing on the bed early in the morning. priceless. pulled on heartstrings and able to relate.

    yes, i believe this "team" will help our country and give us back our dignity and hope we have lost. will they be our savious; no. will they give us great leadership and unite us once again and help us get back on track; yes.

    help is on the way...the troops will gather soon and get us moving in the right direction. remember to vote republican as if your life depends on it, because it does.

  3. I wish him well.In 2008 Obama was going to fix everything.In 2000 and 2004 Bush was going to fix everything.If Romney succeeds as most think he will,his success will provide a stark contrast to his predecessors.I'm voting for Romney & Ryan because they say they can fix everything.In 4 more years another democratic contender will surface,most likely Hillary,point out to us where Romney failed miserably and promise to fix everything once again.Who knows? Eventually someone may fix everything.


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