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Tuesday, August 28, 2012


As Mitt Romney accepts the Republican Party’s presidential nomination this week, he will try to convince voters across the nation that he has the executive experience and business savvy needed to strengthen its economy – and that he’s the best person to lead the country.



  1. 1159-Through 3.5 years of the other guys plan, I'll go with whatever Romney is offering. No reason to re-elect failure.

  2. His plan is to create jobs like he's been doing all his life. HOW? Do some fact checking. He's a business man and his record speaks for itself.

    Not just a community organizer.

  3. yeah 12:53, because job creation is the #1 priority of an investor and/or business man. lol. You guys (ideologues on both sides) crack me up. Can't point to specific concrete evidence or policies so you'll soak up whatever narrative that the candidate creates that you are comfortable with.

  4. He's going to use the Reagan model of trickle down economics which has worked everytime it has been tried.

  5. Three successful business men have been elected president Harding, Hoover and Carter. The rest were pretty bad at business.

  6. He's proven he knows how to make money and we need him to do this for our country. Our debt is out of sight and our children will have to pay the price for what this present president has done to this country.

  7. Those that think Romney does not have a plan are the ones who sit home all day on the cell phones while the rest of us work for a living!

  8. I am waiting, what is this secret plan?

  9. 5:57 - you sound so childish. One cannot fully explain in a blog how economics work. What we can tell you is this. Romney has been a successful business man all his life.

    Different situations require different thinking and some have been failures. But the bigger picture is that he has had much more success and the Olympics, Home Depot, Staples and so many other business's are a result of his knowledge.

    He will do for the american economy what is necessary like dropping stifling legislation and rules.

    Listen poor child and maybe you'll get it.


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