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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

British Government Backs Off Assange

The British government has now backed off its threat to storm the Ecuadorian Embassy in London to arrest Julian Assange. That threat, made the night before Ecuador granted Assange diplomatic asylum, was seen as an unprecedented diplomatic maneuver that weakened ties between the two nations. In a press conference on Sunday, Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa noted that his government had received a message from the British Foreign Office saying there was no longer any threat to enter the embas s y prompting him to s ay, "we cons ider this unfortunate incident over." For Julian As s ange, however, it's far from over. Secret police documents uncovered last week reveal that British police are under orders to arres t As s ange as s oon as he s teps out of the embas s y, regardles s of whether or not he is in a diplomatic car. There's no end in sight for the world's most notorious journalist.

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