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Thursday, August 02, 2012

Video Of NYPD Cop Bodyslamming Young Man Sparks Controversy: Too Harsh Or Just Right?


  1. Just listen to the cop , the officer was completely justified.
    The little punk wouldn't obey commands.

  2. this is our only fight back, the videos... ALWAYS get the cops name and badge number and the guy whose being harassed so you can help him and get the cop in the spot light not that it will do anything...

  3. That's right 10:29

    It is illegal for the police to confiscate your video recording device simply for recording an incident. Take care not to get in the way and be respectful but firm.

  4. hey 10:29
    the cop should have used his weapon.

  5. Anonymous said...
    this is our only fight back, the videos... ALWAYS get the cops name and badge number and the guy whose being harassed so you can help him and get the cop in the spot light not that it will do anything...

    August 2, 2012 10:29 AM

    Cop hater.. you are obviously a criminal.

  6. No one knows the whole story, could have been a tip that he was carrying a gun and the officer was doing a pat down for a weapon and the kid got frisky...

  7. Please record incidents on your cell phone. Then police have a right to take your phone as evidence to download the video.

  8. The Bill of Rights forbids confiscation of personal property without due process of law, don't surender your cell phone without a court order, it is within your right, now that said, the cops will detain you for a very long time while they get a court order, that is why a lot of people just comply they got better things to do then wait at the cop shop.

  9. The 2 dudes with the cameras should also go to jail for interfering, as well as not doing the right thing and helping the officer.

  10. I've never been in trouble with the law but think that probably 40% of police officers are complete douche bags. I have seen cops in plainclothes tailgating me while on their cell phone in a police car. And i know it's not always official business b/c i have seen some do it with their kids in the car with them. I think that there are a LOT of good cops but the videos of them don't get posted. One group ruins it for the other. Same old song and dance i guess. I swear America sucks more and more and it's not only b/c of people in Washington. It's b/c Americans are just starting to suck more. We are jerks.

  11. While you are waiting though you can just upload the video to FaceBook or youtube. lol

  12. Wrong 11:02

    Google Sharp v Baltimore City Police Department and the Dept of Justice legal statement regarding the same case for more information.

  13. I think that's called resisting arrest last time I checked. Good job officer.

  14. Listen, I am tired of the rise of cops using way too much excessive force as much as all of you.

    But this kid had it coming. Posting the backstory wouldve been nice.

    He jumped the ticket gate, ignored the officer when he went after him and then kept trying to run away. He had to subdue this guy. This cop is a needle in a haystack now-a-days. He didnt even use much force at all.

    Now if you want to talk about cops abusing their power, we can look at the fruitland police department.

    I unfortunately have to drive through fruitland every day of the week. Almost 3-4 times a week, I see a black citizen pulled over with multiple cop cars behind them. Every. Single. Week.

    It never fails. This fruitland PD has all of this money from the city to buy these new police cars, drug dogs, etc. etc., when they cant even fix their crappy roads? Fruitland has by far the worst pavement on the eastern shore, yet they spend thousands and thousands on un-needed police vehicles, so they can racially profile black people? Its ridiculous, im so tired of seeing laws abused by these thugs.

    I hate driving through fruitland when I know im doing nothing wrong. They pull you over for any miniscule issue and then(basically) their first words are, "DO YOU HAVE DRUGS????"

  15. From this video you cannot tell if the subject was resisting. Remember, if you so much as tense up as to prevent the officer to cuff you then they are permitted (maybe even required) to subdue you by any means necessary. The person who shot this video was not close enough to confirm if he tensed up.

  16. There is nothing wrong with what the cop did. This guy was not following instructions. The cop has to be careful and protect himself.

  17. I seriously doubt Fruitland PD's first words are do you have drugs. I have been pulled over for a legitimate reason. Traffic stops for brake lights and other equipment issues are good stops and lead to all times of drug arrests and other serious crimes. Stop whining....

  18. Is it just me,or does this cop look just like one who was on the SPD some years back?

  19. so he had to bodyslam him TWICE?

  20. Police departments are always hiring. Maybe some of you experts need to take a crack at the job and show us how it's done.

  21. Fruitland pulled me over. I was coming of 13 and onto Main Street. They said my tires went over the white line. The first thing they asked me was do I have any drugs. The look on their face was unforgettable. I had just came from Apple Drugs and told them yes I do. Quite a bit to be honest. They did not seem to happy when it was cholesterol medicine. Anyways I was just backing up that yes Fruitland police will pull you over for anything and ask if you have drugs.

  22. That punk deserved more of a whooping than he got.


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