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Thursday, August 02, 2012

Fed Says U.S. Economy Has Slowed, Takes No New Steps

The Federal Reserve said Wednesday that the U.S. economy is losing strength and repeated a pledge to take further steps to boost growth if hiring remains weak.

The Fed took no new action after a two-day policy meeting. But it acknowledged in a statement released after the meeting that economic activity had slowed over the first half of the year, with job creation remaining sluggish and consumer spending tapering off.



  1. If you want destroy a home , it can be done in minutes. How long will it take to rebuild it? A long time , obama has destroyed this economy , it to took 300 years to build it and 4 years to destroy it.
    He should be tried for treason , he should spend the rest of his life in jail , solitary confinement.(his wife in the next cell)

  2. 10:43 yes Obama is responsible for a global recession and the ramifications of such that began way before Jan. 20, 2009. BTW, you take your pills today?


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