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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Unprecedented Power: An Executive Order All Americans Should Know About

Texas Insider Report: Washington, D.C. – Fourteen days ago President Obama issued an Executive Order that you should know about. This order gives an unprecedented level of authority to the President and the federal government to take over all the fundamental parts of our economy – in the name of national security – in times of national emergency. With all that is going in Washington these days, some things don’t make the news the way they should.

As President & Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, he has the Constitutional authority to issue Executive Orders. And while similar orders have been made before by presidents from Eisenhower and Reagan to Clinton and George Bush – it has never been done to this extent.

This means all of our:
Water Resources
Construction Services & Materials (steel, concrete, etc.)
Civil Transportation System
Food & Health Resources
our Energy Supplies, including Oil & Natural Gas
even Farm Equipment – can be taken over by the President and his Cabinet Secretaries.



  1. It's worse than you think. The US is in a state of national emergency. No president should have this power.

  2. The only way to stop this to NOT VOTE FOR obama. Next will be your homes, cars, bank accounts, and finally your children. He will mess their minds up and turn them against their own parents.


  4. 1:42. Seizing property and assets is next. Last is murder or the cleansing of society.

  5. Voting for Rommney will not help. He works for the same people as Barrack. Their Bosses want absolute control of our society. They are not Americans, hence are not traitors. Their lap-dog politicians on the other hand, are Americans. It is their cooperation with these internationalist corporate Bosses that makes them traitors.

    Our Country is doomed. Resistance is futile. Armed insurrection is encouraged by these Zionists and will be met with brutal retaliation using our very own skin-head uneducated video game playing murderous thug children who will murder us in the near future.

    Keep your head low and get prepared. Survival is the only goal within our grasp now. Oh, and turn OFF the television!

  6. Hey Obumer: Come and get me shorty, and you will have allot of fun trying it too!

  7. It again comes down to "Who will the military side with"? They are the only entity that has the power to stop what is happening. I still have my dream of armed soldiers removing hussien and his minions in handcuffs and charging them with the numerous crimes they are obviously guilty of. I know it will never happen, but I can still dream.


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